Sunday, September 11, 2022


 1. Among Filipinos, the characteristic that makes English difficult to

understand is that it is a strange language.

2. ESP is centered on language appropriate to various activities that can

relate well with grammar, lexis, register, discourse, and genre.

3. In a performance-based assessment in ESP, using a rubric is best

applicable to oral interview.

4. Among ASEAN countries, Singapore is known as a shopper’s paradise.

5. An example of word-formation processes that changes “kindergarten”

to kinder and “air conditioning” to “aircon” is known as clipping.

6. A speaker should change the language according to the needs of the

listener or based on the dictate of the situation. This is NOT done by

sophisticating the language by using high terminologies for basal


7. Vowels are speech sounds made simply by shaping the oral cavity to

give the sound a particular color or timbre.

8. “PROFLIGATE as the spring sunshine.” The capitalized word means


9. An example of a bound morpheme ending in –ion that changes a verb

into a noun is action.

10. Everyone is an example of indefinite pronoun.

11. The indirect speech “I’m studying English a lot at the moment” means

he was studying English a lot at that moment.

12. Term, which represents the role of interlocutors, is NOT among the

variable of functional grammar

13. Systematic Functional Linguistics has three variables: Tenor, Field, and


14. “We put it off too long” is a structure that uses “off” as an adverbial


15. “Alex is giving his boss a headache” is a structure that contains a

ditransitive verb group.

16. Course outline is the summary of main points of a text, lecture, or

course of study.

17. Audio-lingual method anchors on behaviorist assumption that

language learning is the acquisition of a set of correct language habits.

18. English is MOST interesting subject for Rizza. The adjective that

expresses supreme value is called Superlative Adjectives.

19. “Pedestrians are not permitted beyond this point” is an official sign in

the passive voice.

20. The THIRD child is the most brilliant. The capitalized word is an

example of ordinal adjectives.

21. Dwindle : increase :: stiffen : relax (Contrasting Analogy)

22. Farce is a type of comedy based on far-fetched humorous situation

often with ridiculous or stereotyped characters.

23. Life is like a roller coaster is an example of SIMILE.

24. Sounds like bam, bang, booing are examples of onomatopoeia.

25. The type of paragraph for the topic “The day I won the oratorical title

changed my self-perception” is Narrative.

26. “How long is the poem?” is NOT included in a poem’s context.

27. Imagery is BEST explained as when the author sends mental images in

the minds of the readers using words.

28. In a novel or short story, when the point of view assumed by the

narrator is able to tell everything that happens in the story, he is


29. When a scene in a story, novel, or play is interrupted to show an event

that happened in the past, it is known as flashback.

30. The resolution of the conflict of a story is called denouement.

31. In fiction, the transformation of a character from arrogance to

humility or the purgation and purification of character is known as


32. “Bad credit” and “Debit Card”, “The earthquake” and “the queer

shake” are examples of anagrams.

33. My head is bloody but unbowed is an example of Alliteration.

34. Juxtaposition is when a funeral home was built next to a children’s


35. “O! Wild west wind!” is an example of Apostrophe.

36. Cliché is a colloquial expression that has been overused.

37. Silent Way method makes use of rods and colorful charts.

38. Skill-based Syllabus is a type of syllabus that is a collection of specific

abilities that may play a part in using language.

39. Use of grade readers is one approach applied in ESP to teach students

with a low level of knowledge of English. These materials refer to

different version of books with simplified grammar and vocabulary.

40. The strategy using examples, activities, songs, poems, stories, and

illustrations based on local culture, history and reality is called


41. The Philippine Qualifications Framework is very significant in the

development of content and performance standards.

42. An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by

Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for

Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other

Purposes,” otherwise known as the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of


43. Substituting different sounds for the first sound of a familiar song can

help in developing phonological awareness.

44. Listening to classical music is one of his preferred leisure activities.

45. The past tense of hang is hung. Hanged is for death.

46. The study of the ways non-native speakers acquire, comprehend, and

use linguistic patterns or speech acts in a second language is known as

Inter-language Pragmatics.

47. Linguistic interference occurs when students learn another language

or dialect.

48. A summary of the main points of a text, lecture, or course of study is

called Course Outline.

49. Learning for empowerment and better self-image is an example of

intrinsic motivation.

50. An example is the term room for someone who stays in a dormitory or

shared room of a boarding house without meals provided is known as

bed spacer.

51. The primary aim of second language teaching using Audio-Lingual

Method is oral proficiency.

52. The aspect of Communicative Competence that deals with the

appropriate use of communication and coping strategies is known as

Strategic Competence.

53. Interpretability is the ability of the listener to understand the

speaker’s intentions behind the word or utterance.

54. A teaching practice which is compatible with Communicative

Approach is one that gives priority to oral communication.

55. The boy and the girl’s uncle is an example of a sentence fragment.

56. “Don’t make any comment unless you are fully aware of the issue.” is

an example of a complex sentence.

57. Josh dreads wild animals in the zoo. The function of the underlined

constituent is optional modifier.

58. Descriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as it's

actually used by speakers and writers.

59. Prescriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as certain

people think it should be used.

60. “The man with a tall hat sits rather uncomfortably at the dinner table”

is syntactically ambiguous.

61. “Shakespeare is a literary titan” exemplifies the literary device


62. Motif in literary writing is an image or idea repeated throughout a

work or several works of literature.

63. The focus of Medieval Literature is Religious, Divine and Spiritual.

64. New Criticism excludes the reader’s response, the author’s intention,

historical and cultural contexts, and moralistic bias from their analysis.

It does not allow inter-textual reading of literature.

65. Neoclassicism is characterized by a re-examination and imitation of

classical models, literary styles and values of the ancient Greek and

Roman authors.

66. All interpretations and meanings of a text are correct as accepted by

a Reader-Reception Critic.

67. In the excerpt “Here thou, great Anna! whom three realms obey / Dost

sometimes counsel take—and sometimes tea.”, Alexander Pope used

a literary device called Anticlimax.

68. Aesthetic Distance is the audience’s ability to remove themselves so

that they can contemplate and evaluate the performance and the


69. Translatability is the capacity for some kind of meaning to be

transferred from one language to another without undergoing radical


70. The literary movement known as the era of “decadence” which was a

reaction against realism, naturalism, and highly structured poetry is

called Symbolism.

71. Naturalism emphasized the hereditary psychological component of

characters and experimenting the connections between human

psychology and external environment.

72. A word can have associated mental images and meanings, often these

cannot be found in dictionaries. These are called Connotations.

73. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of

wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” In the opening lines of the

novel The Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens used juxtaposition.

74. “The time is out of joint, O cursed spite / That ever I was born to set it

right.” The two lines from Shakespeare’s Hamlet which is

characterized by having two successive rhyming lines in a verse and

the same meter to form a complete thought is called a couplet.

75. A figure of speech that uses exaggeration is Hyperbole.

76. Appeal to Ethos means that the author convinces the audience using

his credibility, character or expertise. These include enumerating work

experiences, accomplishments, and character.

77. Appeal to Pathos means that the author convinces the audience using

emotions. The author aims to gather the audience’s sympathy and

draw pity or sometimes makes them angry.

78. Appeal to Logos means that the author convinces the audience using

logic and reason. The author presents facts, evidences and data to

convince the audience’s minds to accept his arguments.

79. Epiphora, also known as “epistrophe,” is a stylistic device in which a

word or a phrase is repeated at the ends of successive clauses.

80. The MOST important sentence in any essay is the thesis sentence.

81. Self-fulfilling Prophecy is where the prophecies are realized due to the

actions of a character who tries to prevent them (for example:

Oedipus Rex)

82. Antanaclasis is the literary trope in which a single word or phrase is

repeated, but in two different senses.

83. The person assigned to dictate the actor’s line if he forgets is called a


84. A poem that tells a lively or tragic story is called ballad.

85. The characteristic of a formalist’s criticism is that criticism is focused

on the work itself.

86. Nemesis is a literary device is where the good characters are rewarded

for their virtues, and the evil characters are punished for their vices.

87. The glass unicorn in The Glass Menagerie, the rocking horse in “The

Rocking-Horse Winner,” and the road in Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”

are examples of subjects.

88. “It’s no wonder everyone refers to Mary as another Mother Teresa in

the making; she loves to help and care after people everywhere, from

the streets to her own friends.” This is an example of an Allusion.

89. The words spoken by an actor directly to the audience watching a play

that the characters in the play do not hear are called aside.

90. The myths of the Greeks reflect a view of the universe that

acknowledges the mystery and beauty of humanity.

91. Antigone is sentenced to death for the crime of performing the burial

rituals of her brother.

92. Maria Makiling is a famous Filipino legend.

93. Malakas at Maganda is a famous Filipino creation myth.

94. The presence of the three gods: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos in Greek

Mythology symbolize that mortals’ fate depends on the gods.

95. In Greek Mythology, Jason sailed the long ship Argo in search for the

Golden Fleece.

96. Prometheus is the mythological titan punished by the gods for stealing


97. In the poem, “Vulture” by Chinua Achebe, the line that represents a

miserable or bleak scene is “Broken bones and a dead tree”

98. Li Qingzhao, the greatest Chinese poetess, is NOT known for

dominance of hyperbole.

99. Egyptian literature is identified as Mediterranean literature.

100. The first line of the Poem “Mind is Without Fear” by Rabindranath

Tagore “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high…” It

means only the fearless mind can hold its head upright.

101. Basho popularized Haiku in Japan. He creates visual and auditory

sensations with a few strokes of his writing brush.

102. “Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night” is a poem written by Omar


103. Mao Tze-Tsung is a Chinese leader whose essays and poems depicted

the totalitarian rule in China and advocated a revolutionary


104. Haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5

syllable count.

105. The oldest Indian document of Sanskrit Literature is the Rig Veda

106. Thomas Jefferson refered to the Native Americans as “merciless

Indian savages.”

107. Benjamin Franklin added Humility in his 13 vitues because he is

reminded of his friend Quaker about how overbearing and insolent

he is.

108. New Criticism is characterized by emphasis on craft over content.

109. The forest in the play Midsummer Night’s Dream symbolize a place to

face trials for the characters to pass.

110. The “Declaration of Independence” is best described as accusatory

and subjective.

111. In Maya Angelou’s 'On the Pulse of Morning', it is suggested that each

new day gives people new chances.

112. Shakespeare’s technique of showing equivocation in his play

“Macbeth” is Irony.

113. According to Lincoln in “The Gettyburg Address”, the premise of the

war being fought is the government of the people, by the people, for

the people.

114. A story told in verse by unknown writers and usually meant to be sung

is a ballad.

115. The repetition of similar sounds usually consonant in a group of words

like “Doubting dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream

before?” is called Alliteration.

116. Sonnet is a 14-line lyric poem usually written in rhymed iambic


117. A book-length fictional prose narrative which has many characters and

often complex plot is called a novel.

118. Epitaph is a description on a grave stone or a short poem in memory

of a deceased person.

119. Half rhyme is one of the major poetic devices. It is also called an

“imperfect rhyme,” “slant rhyme,” “near rhyme,” or “oblique rhyme”.

120. An important step in ensuring the relevance of the instructional

material to the rest of the curriculum is to keep a list of the goals and

objectives of the curriculum.

121. To home independent study strategies through prescribed tasks is

NOT a goal of K to 12 language teaching in the secondary level.

122. K to 12 language teaching in secondary school is NOT described as

literature-based and genre-focused.

123. All materials from the real world not intended for classroom use but

used in the classroom are called authentic materials.

124. The target language is used as an auxiliary / support language. This

statement DOES NOT characterized Direct Method of language


125. The use of song, the worksheet, pair group, the teacher and the

students’ talk are provisions of the comprehensible input hypothesis

of Krahsen’s Monitor model.

126. Paul Grice’s cooperative principle is a set of norms that are expected

in conversations. It consists of four maxims: quality, quantity,

relation, and manner.

127. Maxim of quality: Utterance must tell the truth or something that is

provable by adequate evidence

128. Maxim of quantity: Utterance have to be adequate in speaking, not

more or less.

129. Maxim of relation: Response has to be relevant to the topic of


130. Maxim of manner: Utterance has to avoid ambiguity or obscurity; it

should be direct and straightforward.

131. The generalization in the area of phonology that can be drawn from

the following linguistic data: table, attack, can, paper, space, accordion

is that a voiceless stop can be aspirated if it begins a syllable of a

stressed vowel.

132. The title of Leo Tolstoy’s short story about a man falsely judged and

accused of murder is “God Sees the Truth but Waits.”

133. Ophelia Alcantara Dimalanta is considered as the Goddess of

Philippine Poetry.

134. “Magnificence”, the story about a girl abused by an old man, is

authored by Estrella Alfon.

135. The reality TV show Big Brother is based on the novel by George

Orwell entitled 1984.

136. When you use a fraction (one-third) with a countable noun, you use

the plural 'are'. If it was referring to a non-countable noun then it

would need to be singular 'is'.

137. /b/ sound is a voiced bilabial stop.

138. The first school established by the Americans in the Philippines that

aims to teach Filipinos how to use English is the Philippine Normal


139. Direct Testing requires the candidate to perform precisely the skill

that the test wishes to measure.

140. The Structuralist Approach views that language learning is chiefly

concerned with a systematic acquisition of a set of “building blocks”.

141. The function of language test which aims to motivate students

pertains to learning.

142. Sociolinguistic component assesses the use of linguistic forms in

language performance.

143. The application of social and behavioral science research method to

the practice of journalism is called precision journalism.

144. In journalism, copy refers to any piece of material that makes it to


145. The date line in a news story refers to the time when the story was


146. According to Wilson, the “heart of the theatre experience” is the live

relationship between the performers and the audience.

147. One way to see if translation communicates what the source text

communicates is by translation checking. The subjects of such activity

are called speakers with receptive language ability.

148. A foil is a character who contrasts with another character.

149. The first-ever printed material using the printing press is the Latin

Vulgate or Gutenberg Bible.

150. In creative non-fiction, you use essays and memoirs to support a factbased


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