Sunday, September 11, 2022


 151. The speaker’s use of highly jargonized words falls under speakercreated


152. Audio-lingual method assumes that the over-learning of patterns

through choral repetition and drilling is the key to learning a target


153. To enhance the power of the mind, learners read literary texts in the

target language and memorize vocabulary lists translated into the

native language. Explicit grammar instruction of rules and their

exceptions is the main focus to master the target language. This

method is Grammar-Translation.

154. The literary criticism that highlights how meaning, interpretations,

frameworks, system, and structural beliefs break apart is post

structuralism or deconstruction.

155. The most prominent figure in deconstruction is Jacques Derrida.

156. Antagonist is the character or force in conflict with the main

character, who is the protagonist.

157. Folk Literature is a body of stories, legends, myths, ballads, songs,

riddles, sayings, and other works arising out of the oral traditions of

the peoples around the world.

158. Sisyphus is the king of Corinth who is condemned in the underworld

by forever rolling a huge stone up a hill.

159. The three monstrous sisters with snakes for hair, hands of brass and

bodies covered with impenetrable scales and turns to stone those who

look at them are the Gorgons.

160. The subjects in Mythic history portrayed in the “Musee des Beaux

Arts” are Daedalus and Icarus.

161. Among the typical characteristics of epic heroes, immortality is NOT

one of them.

162. Magic Realism is a term borrowed from art criticism and applied to a

kind of fiction that mixes realism with flights of fantasy and myth. It is

associated with Latin American writers such as Gabriel Garcia


163. Plot is by which a narrative sequence of events (story) is structured

and organized.

164. Aenid, an epic poem in twelve books recounting the story of Aeneas,

was the crowning achievement of Virgil.

165. “It is true but arguable” does NOT make a good idea for an essay.

166. Asking someone to repeat something helps students to get to process

information received.

167. Language is inseparable from Literature.

168. Annotating is a strategy for reading literature where the reader

responds to the literary and cultural impact of the text b identifying

images and themes and writing marginal notes about them.

169. Classicism is an approach t literature and other arts that stresses

reason, balance, clarity, ideal beauty, and orderly form in imitation of

the arts of ancient Greece and Rome.

170. The prime consideration of instructional materials is to link materials

to the curriculum.

171. The reading and teaching of literature must yield not only enjoyment

but also understanding.

172. Fashionable is NOT among the qualities needed by the teacher in the

preparation, selection and utilization of instructional materials.

173. Allophone is shown in the systematic variation of /t/ such as /t/ in top

is aspirated, /t/ is stop is released, and /t/ in pot is unreleased.

174. Wash-back Effect refers to the impact of testing on teaching and


175. Writing letters is NOT an example of discrete point testing.

176. A novel about the education and development of a young hero is

called Bildungsroman.

177. Cliffhanger is a plot device that ends abruptly that the main characters

are left in a difficult situation without offering any resolution or


178. Roman a clef is a novel where real people are represented in the guise

of fictional characters.

179. Philosophic and religious belief in reincarnation is based on the

mythical character Orpheus.

180. Poverty can be the subject matter of humanism literature.

181. In literary parlance, decorum refers to the appropriateness of a work

to intended subject, genre, and audience.

182. The figure of speech that Hawthorne used in making Rev. Dimmesdale

metaphorically dim as the novel progresses, while making

Chillingworth have a chilled heart is Charactonym.

183. Euphemism is a substitution of a term considered offensive or might

bring the audience too close to an uncomfortable reality.

184. Cecile gave a donation to charity is an example of sentence depicting

a dative case.

185. Prepositions would NOT fit into the category of determiners.

186. Code-switching is allowed in a CLT (Communicative Approach) class.

187. Language games and quiz bees is a practice of desuggestopedia.

188. A Filipino student writes a sentence: The book is new. This is an

example of positive transfer.

189. Negative Transfer happens when L1 complicates or impedes the use

of L2. Example: A Filipino student writes: Beautiful is Mary (the

structure is influenced by the student’s L1 which says “Maganda si


190. Formalism is NOT a criticism for meaning.

191. Hermeneutics is known as the science of interpretation.

192. Error is an indication of hypothesis testing in language learning.

193. An example of English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) is English for


194. Infants, during the pre-linguistic developmental stage, communicate

by crying, cooing, and babbling.

195. In the story, who is slow? This is an example of a question on the

Literal comprehension level.

196. Children who have been watching TV a lot would likely suffer from

short attention span.

197. “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will

ever regret.” This is a good advice for those who are ill-tempered and


198. The phrase associated with President Magsaysay is For Democracy

will die.

199. The Philippines is considered as an ESL nation.

200. IRI (Informal Reading Inventory) reading technique is being utilized

when a teacher asks his student to read a particular passage, and he

marks mispronounced words.

201. In a school paper, the Editor-in-Chief is in-charge of everything.

202. Pitch level 3 must be used in emphasizing the main idea in a sentence.

203. The intensification of the conflict of the story or play is called rising


204. The National Heroes’ Day reminds us about heroes worth emanating.

205. Mended, Blocked, Recommended, Postponed. The word among the

following that has a /t/ sound is blocked.

206. The sentence “She drives an expensive white European sports car.”

follows the correct order of adjectives.

207. English has been the Lingua Franca of the world since America gained

its international power. Lingua Franca means Language of the World.

208. The Deductive method is a Teacher-dominated method.

209. The poem which the quote “Nevermore” is taken is The Raven.

210. Semantics is a language system focused on vocabulary.

211. The smallest unit of sound of any language that causes a difference in

meaning is called a phoneme.

212. The smallest unit of meaning is a morpheme.

213. When the coach said “Bring home the bacon!”, he meant that the

team has to win the competition.

214. “What you said does not hold water with me.” The statement means it

is unbelievable / illogical.

215. 64.26% of the cases in a normal curve fall between +1 and -1.

216. Divine Comedy is the work of Dante Alighieri that narrates his journey

through Hell (The Inferno), purgatory, and finally, paradise.

217. The highest in the Three-level Approach to teaching is Values,

followed by Concept, and lastly, Facts.

218. In Nick Joaquin’s short story, May Day Eve, the technique he used in

developing the plot was Flashback.

219. The word synonymous with ecstatic is blissful.

220. Input hypothesis of Krashen’s Monitor Model proposes that when

learners are exposed to grammatical features a little beyond their

current (i.e., I + 1), those features are “acquired.

221. “Teachers should correct errors during the time they are committed

as error correction is valuable” is NOT an implication of Krashen’s

Monitor Model.

222. Structuralists view the language as a system of related elements or

“building blocks” for the encoding of meaning, the elements being

phonemes (sounds), morphemes (words), tagmemes


223. Interactionalists believe that language is a vehicle for establishing

interpersonal relations.

224. The functional view of language (Functionalism) has resulted in

communication-based methods such as Communicative Language

Teaching/Communicative Approach, Notional/Functional Approach,

Task-Based Language Teaching.

225. Intonation is the rise and fall of pitch which may contrast meanings of


226. Dissimilation is a morphophonemic process that results in two sounds

becoming less alike in articulatory or acoustic terms; a process in

which units which occur in some contexts are “lost” in others; e.g. “l i

b a r y” instead of “l i b r a r y”.

227. The syntactic structure shown in the examples, “responsible officers,

trusted friend” is Modification.

228. Anaphora, in linguistics, is an expression that refers to another

linguistic expression (point backwards). The pronoun refers back to its


229. Recession will worsen in Europe in the next five years. The category of

illocutionary act demonstrated in this sentence is assertive /


230. Overgeneralization errors such as “goed” and “keeped” are common

in children’s speech. Such errors suggest that children induce the rules

for the past tense from the language to which they are exposed.

231. The period of American Renaissance gave birth to Trancendentalism.

232. “To be or not to be, that’s the question” this line is taken from

Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

233. Carlos Bulosan’s celebrated autobiography is entitled America is in the


234. Self-monitoring and playing attention belong to Metacognitive

category of learning strategies identified by Oxford I. 1989.

235. Neoclassicism movement is a reaction against the stylistic excess and

superfluous artistry and ornamentation of Renaissance writers.

236. Guy de Maupassant is a writer of short stories and novels who is by

general agreement the greatest French short-story writer.

237. A distinct feature of poetry during the age of modernism is free verse.

238. To punish himself for murdering his father to have sexual relationships

with his mother, Oedipus gouged his eyes.

239. The playwright who used alienation effect to educate the audience

and not rely upon their emotion is Bertolt Brecht.

240. What is true about textually authentic materials is that they are NOT

written for teaching.

241. Sophocles wrote Ajax, Antigone, and Oedipus and Colonus, but NOT


242. Gothic Novels became popular in the 19th Century.

243. One feature of Suggestopedia is that learners are in a relaxed and

reclining position.

244. The press is referred to as “fourth state” because it checks all

branches of the Government.

245. Echo reading takes place when the teacher reads each line then the

learners repeat it.

246. Juncture influences the pronunciation of “ice cream” and “I scream”.

247. A paragraph is believed to have coherence if the sentences are

smoothly connected with each other through transitional devices.

248. Type-study method is inductive in nature.

249. I have been teaching for 32 years, and I can’t imagine doing anything


250. The period considered as the Golden Age of the Filipino Language is

the Japanese Regime.

251. One implication on listening and speaking for language teaching is link

listening and speaking task to provide opportunities for students to

notice how language is used in different contexts.

252. When the word “consumables” refers to resources such as toner, ink,

and paper which can get used up, it is regarded as a/an ICT jargon.

253. The Trojan War can be seen today as Women’s Empowerment.

254. “The Answer” by Bel Dao reflects slavery as a pressing concern.

255. The FENCE in the story written by Jose Garcia Villa refers to walls

representing hindrances that separate families.

256. During the 1800s as reflected in American Literature, the US

government expanded its territory NOT by the use of Invasion


257. In “I Hear America Singing” by Whitman, the workers sing varied carols

to express happiness in work and the uniqueness of contribution.

258. Indirect illocution is when the speaker expresses another illocutionary

for other that literally expressed the utterance by relying on

background knowledge, principles of convention.

259. In a study comparing the effect of studying with music versus no music

on reading comprehension. The independent variable is the presence

or absence of music during studying.

260. Iconic Learning involving instructional audio-visual materials refers to

visual images for the real thing.

261. When a research is conducted to assess the linguistic forms in

language performance, it is after the linguistic component.

262. The function of language test which aim to motivate students pertains

to learning.

263. Juncture refers to pauses or rests in speech.

264. In Paz Latorena's short story "The Small Key", what Soledad’s second

wife found in the small chest is old clothes and other things of his first


265. According to Krashen, the function of knowledge of grammatical rules

in language performance is as monitor.

266. The Cooperative Principle is proposed by H. Paul Grice.

267. Pidgin refers to language that emerged between two speakers who do

not share a common language.

268. Creole is a developed pidgin that established a definite structure and

has native speakers.

269. “Apologized” has an alternate correct spelling shown in any good

dictionary. (Apologised)

270. The primary aim of Direct Method is vocabulary development.

271. Edgar Allan Poe is popular for his gothic style in his compositions.

272. Burlesque is a humorous imitation of a serious work of literature.

273. Leo Tolstoy is known as the world’s greatest novelist for writing War

and Peace, and Anna Karenina.

274. Stream of consciousness is also known as interior monologue.

275. Deus Ex Machina refers to the incidence where an implausible

concept or character is brought into the story in order to make the

conflict in the story resolve and to bring about a pleasing solution.

276. Solecism is any grammatical mistake committed in writing or speaking.

277. Proverbs embodied the practical philosophy of Filipinos during the

pre-Hispanic era.

278. Paradise Lost is written by John Milton and it is based on the popular

story of the Sinning of Adam and Eve.

279. In Paz Marquez Benitez’s “Dead Stars”, the dead stars represent

Alfredo’s love for Julia.

280. The Harlem Renaissance is the flowering of African-American


281. The Negritude movement is a movement of French-speaking African

and Caribbean writers and it began to fade in the 1950s after fulfilling

their goal.

282. Telephone Conversation is a literary piece written by Wole Soyinka

about racism.

283. Hamartia is the term for the downfall of the hero or heroine in a story.

284. "The self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late

1980s." The underlined word means excessive pride or selfconfidence.

285. The Filipino writer whose short stories depic Filipino-Spanish culture is

Nick Joaquin.

286. The phenomenon where people share the same false memory about

something is called the Mandela Effect. (e.g. The dash between KitKat)

287. The founder of 21st Century Linguistics is Ferdinand De Saussure.

288. Patroclus made Achilles grief.

289. Didactic Literature is meant to instruct or educate.

290. Diegesis and Mimesis are coined terms by Aristotle to distinguish

telling (diegesis) from showing (mimesis).

291. The difference between phonics and phonetical awareness is that

phonics include written language, phonetical awareness does not


292. Exegesis is an explanation of a text that identifies and explains the

figurative language and forms within the work.

293. A common type of character or entity that recurs throughout various

literature is called a stock character or archetype.

294. “Touch me one more time, and I swear—” this breaking-off of speech

usually because of rising emotion or excitement is called Aposiopesis.

295. Chiasmus refers to two phrases in which syntax is the same but the

placement of words is reversed.

296. The Canterbury Tales was written in the 14th Century.

297. “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its

own ways.” This line is taken from Ana Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.

298. Moby Dick is a white whale using Pequod.

299. A concise expression of insight or wisdom is called Aphorism.

300. Creative Reading is reading beyond the lines.

301. Input hypothesis proposes that when learners are exposed to

grammatical features a little beyond their current (i.e., I + 1), those

features are “acquired”.

302. Correcting errors in language use is NOT a principle of Krashen’s

monitor model.

303. Structuralists believe that language is primarily vocal; language is

system of systems, and language is arbitrary.

304. Interactionalists believe that language is a vehicle for establishing

interpersonal relations.

305. Syntax is a branch of linguistics that deals with how words combine to

form phrases, phrases combine to form clauses, and clauses conjoin to

make sentences.

306. Fricatives are produced by bringing the articulators near each other

such that the flow of air is impeded but not completely blocked.

307. A representative / assertive is an utterance used to describe some

state of affairs: acts of stating, asserting, denying, confessing,

admitting, notifying, concluding, predicting, and so on.

308. Behaviorism is a systematic approach to the understanding of human

and animal behavior. It assumes that the behavior of a human or

animal is a consequence of that individual's history, including

especially reinforcement and punishment, and the individual's current

motivational state and controlling stimuli.

309. “Overgeneralization” is most often used in connection with language

acquisition by children. For example, a young child may say "foots"

instead of "feet," overgeneralizing the morphological rule for making

plural nouns.

310. The concept of universal grammar states that all languages are built

upon a common grammar.

311. The areas of Communicative Competence are: grammatical,

sociolinguistic, discourse, and sociolinguistic.

312. A cataphoric reference unit refers to another unit that is introduced

later on in the text/speech.

313. The slippery slope argument involves reasoning that because of an

initial event, a second event, more extreme event must inevitable


314. Milton’s Paradise Lost which was published in 1667 in Modern English.

315. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, unicorn was commonly described

as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace,

which could only be captured by a virgin.

316. Muchukunda (cited in Mahabarata & Parunas) saw the emptiness of

his life and turned his back on it, becoming a wanderer and sadhu. He

refused to return to the world.

317. Anthropomorphism is the showing or treating of animals, gods, and

objects as if they are human in appearance, character, or behaviour:

318. Most of basal readers are phonics-based.

319. The K-W-L chart can be used to document what students know, what

they want to know, and what they learned.

320. Petrarchan sonnet is form of poetry that has an 8-line stanza with the

rhyme scheme abbaabba followed by 6 lines with various rhyme

schemes, usually cdcdcd or cdede.

321. Listening is the MOST neglected communication skill.

322. Wolvin and Coakley (1992) listed four different kinds of listening:

Comprehensive (Informational), Critical (Evaluative), Appreciative

(Aesthetic), and Therapeutic (Emphatic).

323. Listening for DETAILS means listening for specific information.

324. Listening SELECTIVELY means listening only to specific parts of the


325. Novice learners accept all of the information.

326. Wash-back effect happens when what was assessed became what

was taught.

327. The factors that affect learners listening are: (1) Background

Knowledge or Schematic, (2) Knowledge of the situation or Context,

and (3) Knowledge of the language system or Systematic.

328. Life after Death is what was depicted in Dante’s Divine Comedy.

329. The prefix “epi-“ means upon.

330. According to Oxford Dictionary, KIKAY KIT means a cosmetic pouch.

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